The Art of Saying Nothing: Embracing the Depths of Emotion

Picture this: you’re driving in rain, listening to music. Yet, amidst this serenity, your mind is a whirlwind of thoughts, so consuming that even the music fades into oblivion, unnoticed. You’re not budged by it, your thoughts are still roaming all over the place. That’s the art of nothing but feeling everything.

2 min readApr 12, 2024

The fact that you’re so deeply delved in to your thoughts transcending the trivial shifts in external stimuli. What could that be?

Well now that story is unique to each soul. It could be the weight of work, echoes of the past, or the gruesome worry of the future, perhaps even unknown to oneself.

Your brain gets spiraled with so many thoughts you fail to encapsulate those thoughts in words.

Is it just my story? A solitary journey through the labyrinth of my mind? I’m sure that’s not the case. All of us are fighting battles in our own heads. That’s quite something but you know amidst all this turmoil what might help you get through it? Talking about it.

It’s okay to not articulate your thoughts in to words flawlessly; just express. You don’t have to be very specific or detail oriented, Let it be a testament of your resilience or should I say sabr. You’ll get through this.

It may seem like end of the world right now but when you’ll think about this moment later in future, you’ll be proud how far you’ve come, what all you’ve achieved, and most of all, the experience that you’ve gained will help you understand what you could’ve done differently about the situation you’ve faced so that you won’t repeat it or handle a similar situation better in future.

Failure is permissible, uncertainty is natural, and feeling inadequate is human. What truly matters is seizing the moment and taking that leap, even if it’s into the unknown.

But what if it doesn’t work out in the end? Let’s talk about it some other day.




22 y/o active trained listener trying to spread awareness about mental health.