The Mindset You Need To Fight Depression And Get The Most Out Of It

3 min readAug 16, 2020


“It’s a bad day, not a bad life.”

Depression whether being mild or severe has affected all of us at some point in life and many people who recover from it often complain that they actually don’t actually feel that happy or as if something’s missing in their life. Many of my clients told me that they’ve recovered from depression but there is some kind of emptiness to it which just doesn’t go away and things don’t feel the same. If you feel this way then this article is for you. Read it till the end to find out what correct mindset you need to fight mental illness and I’ll also be talking about my personal experience with depression, anxiety, and panic attacks and what I learned from it, how you can get the most out of it and above all be happy again.

The last 3 years were the most devastating phase of my life. I used to curse every day and used to ask myself why’s this happening to me, why am I suffering, and WHY ME? But after years I realized that it was just meant to be. I never realized it earlier but now that each day was a learning experience for me, the days which I used to curse were molding me into a person I am today. And now if I could change one thing in the past I would change nothing! No matter how good or bad those days were and things I could’ve done better I still wouldn’t change any of it because that is exactly what helped me grow and prepared me for far more difficult situations in life and the future.

We have to realize that some things are not in our hands and we just have to go with the flow. There are days when we feel better and then again things get all messed up but you know what it’s just how life is, it’s never fair. We have to make it work our way. Just like many others I also felt like giving up many times but I kept on going not that I wanted to but I had no choice. You have to realize you have many more reasons to be alive and survive rather than giving up.

Think about it, many of you are still going through some unbearable situation in life and you also felt like giving up earlier or still are but remember you survived every time you thought you were going to give up. It’s never easy, it won’t be easy in the future too but we’re much stronger than we think we are and each time we overcome any obstacle we break our limits and find a way to survive and that’s what becomes our ultimate strength, and this strength lies within all of us it’s just we have to find it and have to undergo unendurable situation to unleash it.

We never know what’s coming for us but we learn to live with the pain and suffering in such a way that our reason to be happy and alive outweighs them all. We often say good time passes so quickly it’s simply because we’re so busy enjoying it we forget about our sorrows and when we forget about our sorrows we feel like time passes quickly but the thing is we pay more attention to bad times and when we pay way more attention to something than it deserves it feels like never-ending.

Remember, just like happiness and good times our bad times are temporary too. It’s up to you to decide which you pay more attention to. It’s a bad day, not a bad life. So, be grateful that you’re alive and take every day as a learning experience and always strive to learn in a way that you don’t end up repeating your past mistakes again and then see yourself become a better version of yourself.




22 y/o active trained listener trying to spread awareness about mental health.